Vince Klepac, President and co-owner of Vinco Media LLC, stands next to his new BE-Elenos 5kW FM transmitter for WBBX-FM in Pocomoke, MD.
“The first thing we noticed was how easy it was to install and switch on; it is very compact…and then how much money we saved on our power bill with the new Elenos”, says Vince.
“The consumption went down by so much that it took us into a different category of billing, which saves us even more money”.
Steve Corsi, VP and co-owner of Vinco Media LLC said “The Elenos web-based remote control tells us that it is running at nearly 80% efficiency; I’m pretty sure that is more efficient than most FM products out there. The signal sounds great, and we are very happy with the performance so far” .
Vince went on to say “Over the years we have had a few BE transmitters” [notice the Broadcast Electronics FXi250 in the rack] “…and we are glad the company is still around providing excellent support and service when we need it ” .
” If you are looking for a new FM Transmitter, compact, efficient and really well priced, I would recommend BE-Elenos“.